Bashkim Ahmeti
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: Painting
Admitted to the Academy in 2016 -
Arben Baboci
University of Medicine, Tirane
Area: Medicine
Specialty: Cardiovascular Surgery
Admitted to the Academy in 2012 -
Arsim Bajrami
University of Pristina
Area: Constitutional Law
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Myftar Barbullushi
Medical University of Tirana
Area: Medicine
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Luljeta Bozo
Area: Engineering
Specialty: Civil Engineering & Geomorphology
Founding member in 2011 -
Sherif Bundo
University Luarasi
Area: Economy
Admitted to the Academy in 2024 -
Kujtim Çashku
Marubi Academy of Film and Multimedia
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: Film Director
Admitted to the Academy in 2015 -
Pandeli Çina
Area: Medicine
Specialty: Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
Admitted to the Academy in 2012 -
Diana Çuli
Marubi Academy of Film and Multimedia
Area: Arts and Humanities
Specialty: Literature
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Liri Dinga
Area: Botanics
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Mumtas Dhrami
Area: Arts & Sciences
Specialty: Sculpture
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Bardhosh Gaçe
Area: Linguistics and Literature
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Romeo Gurakuqi
Academy of Albanian Studies
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: History
Founding member in 2011 -
Arjan Gjonça
London School of Economics
Area: Demography
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Artan Hoxha
University of Tirana
Area: Law
Specialty: Criminal Law
Admitted to the Academy in 2019 -
Gezim Hoxha
Academy of Albanian Studies
Area: Humanities
Specialty: Archaeology
Founding member in 2011 -
Enver Hoxhaj
University of Pristina
Area: History and Diplomacy
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Ferid Hudhri
Academy of Albanian Studies
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: Art History
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Shefkije Islamaj
Institute of Albanology, Prishtina
Area: Arts and Humanities
Specialty: Linguistics and Literature
Admitted to the Academy in 2016 -
Ermonela Jaho
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: Music / Soprano singer
Founding member in 2011 -
Rudina Jasini
University of Oxford
Area: International Law
Admitted to the Academy in 2022 -
Elena Kadare
Area: Arts and Humanities
Specialty: Literature
Founding member in 2011 -
Eno Koço
Area: Arts and Humanities
Specialty: Music
Admitted to the Academy in 2016 -
Irakli Koçollari
Area: History and Law
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Ksenofon Krisafi
Mediterranean University of Albania
Area: Law
Specialty: International Law
Founding member in 2011 -
Hajredin Kuçi
University of Pristina
Area: Law
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Emil Lafe
Area: Humanities
Specialty: Linguistics
Admitted in the Academy in 2012 -
Xhevat Lloshi
Area: Humanities
Specialty: Leksikografi, stlistikë, filologji
Admitted in the Academy in 2012 -
Rami Memushaj
University of Tirana
Area: Arts & Sciences
Specialty: General Linguistics, Language Planning
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Laura Mersini-Houghton
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Area: Physics
Specialty: Theoretical Physics & Cosmology
Admitted in the Academy in 2021 -
Paskal Milo
Meditirranean Univerisity of Albania
Area: History and Diplomacy
Admitted to the Academy in 2022 -
Marta Muço
Area: Political Economy
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Inva Mula
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: Music / Soprano singer
Founding member in 2011 -
Qemal Murati
University of Pristina
Area: Linguistics
Admitted to the Academy in 2024 -
Mina Naqo
Area: Mathematics
Specialty: Statistics, Applied Statistics
Founding member in 2011 -
Anila Paparisto
University of Tirana
Area: Biology
Specialty: Entomology
Admitted to the Academy in 2014 -
Tedi Papavrami
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: Music / Violin
Admitted to the Academy in 2012 -
Llukan Puka
University of Tirana
Area: Mathematics
Specialty: Statistical Theory, Numerical Analysis
Founding member in 2011 -
Rexhep Qosja
Institute of Albanology & University of Prishtina
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: History of Literature, Drama
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Robert Radoja
Area: Composer
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Ethem Ruka
Luarasi University
Area: Biology
Specialty: Biology
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Evan Rroço
Agricultural University of Tirana
Area: Engineering
Specialty: Agricultural Engineering
Admitted to the Academy in 2014 -
Sokol Sadushi
Supreme Court of Albania
Area: Law
Specialty: Constitutional Law & Administrative Law
Admitted to the Academy in 2014 -
Marenglen Spiro
Barleti University
Area: Physics
Specialty: Biophysics
Founding member in 2011 -
Mevlan Shanaj
Area: Director and Actor
Admitted to the Academy in 2023 -
Zef Shoshi
Area: Arts
Specialty: Painting
Admitted to the Academy in 2021 -
Fatos Tarifa
University of New York Tirana
Area: Social Sciences and Diplomacy
Specialty: Sociology & International Relations
Founding member in 2011 -
Agim Vinca
University of Prishtina
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: History of Literature, Writer
Admitted to the Academy in 2019 -
Pëllumb Xhufi
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: History
Founding member in 2011 -
Aleksander Xhuvani
The Polytechnic University of Tirana
Area: Engineering
Specialty: Engineering
Founding member in 2011 -
Lea Ypi
London School of Economics
Area: Arts & Humanities
Specialty: Philosophy
Admitted to the Academy in 2021
Secretary for Organization and Public Affairs
Fiona Todhri
University of Tirana
Area: Social Work and Social Policies