Books (published since 2012)
American Exceptionalism and the Global Leadership of the United States
Albania and the Desperate End of Century
For the Public Good
The Great Rapprochement
America and the Current World Order
That What Became a Song
EUrope, a Subject for ALL
One Land, One People, One Dream
Albania Through Artists
Albanians in Art
Palestine in Three Parts
Odonata of Albania
Contributions to Albanian Science and Diplomacy
The Wooden Hotel
The Short Time of Freedom in Dictaroship
Early Christianity in the Provinces of Praevalis and Dardania
The Adventures of Zhuzhu
The Adventures of Zozo
A Thousands Stars
The Secretes Told
Scripta Manent
A Diary of Pandemics
The Concubine
Fauna of Tirana
Murder in the Prime Minister's Office
A Witness of an Historical Time VIII
A Diary of Paradoxes
Life and Mist
Albanians in World Art II
The Kosova War in the Diplomatic Labyrinths
Carpe Diem
On Standard Albanian III
In Geneva for Kosova
Albania in Art
Procedurial Administrative Law
Language, Linguists and Writers
Language Studies
Nostalgia for Dangerous Times
Biblical Society's Treasures on the Albanian Language
Albania and the Albanians
Kostandin Kristoforidhi
Social Science as Theory and Practice
A Commentary on the Constitutional Reform in the Justice System
A Witness of an Historical Time VII
Corrupt Power – Protagonists and Victims
The Meaning of Partisanship
Migration in Political Theory
Sapere Aude
Une Cloche a Ton Cou
A Witness of an Historical Time V
A Witness of an Historical Time VI
The Law of International Organizations
A Dictionary of Albanian Language
A World Loaded for the 21st Century
The Dynamics of Pluralizing Modernity
Sociological Imagination and Our Social World
Politics as Grammar and Metaphor
Kant and Colonialism
Vengeance is Mine
Bona Fide
Language, Text and Context
A Witness of an Historical Time I
A Witness of an Historical Time II
A Witness of an Historical Time III
A Witness of an Historical Time IV
The Administrative Court and the Legal Control Over the Administration
For the Land and the Sea of Albania
Political Organization in Albanian Lands
The Impossibility of the European Project
Albania and Kosovo – How They Are and How They Should Be
Albania and the Albanian Question After World War One
Higher Education for an Open Society
Albanian Language in the Procrustean Bed
The Sciences of Society
Knowledge, the University, and Democracy
Global Justice & Avant-Garde Political Agency
The Muse of the Motherland
The Wooden Hotel
Gjiergj Fshata, His Language and Style I
Gjergj Fshata, His Language and Style II
On Standard Albanian I
On Standard Albanian II
Angeli armati
Albania, 1911-1914
Albanians in World Art